Friday, December 17, 2010


Nell' ultimo decennio il tatuaggio ha avuto un ascesa considerevole e non è più visto come segno distintivo di alcune  "cattive" categorie, al contrario, si potrebbe quasi definire un bene di lusso, e lì dove si sente odore di guadagno, arrivano anche gli "sciacalli": individui che senza nemmeno seguire le più basilari e ovvie norme igieniche, si professano tatuatori solo ed esclusivamente per ottenere soldi facili.Nel mio percorso formativo ho avuto la fortuna (ma anche la sfortuna) di stare a contatto con altri colleghi tatuatori : in molti casi ho trovato un immensa professionalità ma in altri, purtroppo, un inconcepibile  menefreghismo...

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tatuaggi e Piercing vanno di pari passo si sa, quindi  nel nostro studio, abbiamo l'onore di ospitare una volta alla settimana una guest del mondo dei Piercings.Stiamo parlando di MIKY MAIDEN dello studio "BLOODY INSTINCT"  di TriesteDire che siamo onoratissimi e super contenti di avere in studio un bravissimo piercer come lui è riduttivo :)E' un professionista in questo campo, e siamo sicuri che per tutti coloro che vogliono un piercing ( dai piercings più comuni fino ad arrivare a quelli più estremi)  sapersi in mani sicure ed esperte è certamente importante e fondamentale.Come ho scritto sopra Miky Maiden ha un suo studio che...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

La maledizione della matita consumata


Monday, December 6, 2010

Bristol Fighter T

Bristol Fighter T0-62mph in 3.5 secs225 mphThe Bristol Fighter is a British sports car, manufactured by BristolCars in small numbers from 2004.In 2006, Bristol announced the Fighter T, a turbocharged versionof the Fighter with a modified V10 engine produc...

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

Lamborghini Murcielago LP6400-60mph in 3.3 secs213 mphThe Lamborghini Murcielago is a high performance Italian sports car.Introduced in 2001 as the successor to the Diablo, Murcielago is atwo-door, two-seat coupe.The Murcielago sports a 6.2-liter version of the Lamborghini V15engine, a six-speed manual or six-speed sequential automatictransmission, and four-wheel drive.It also has a rear spoiler that can be raised to an angle of 70degrees, side mirrors that fold in to improve aerodynami...

gold ingots

Hi mates, I am very happy to meet you all with an interesting article about the gold ingots and gold coins. Gold ingots and gold coins are the pure form of gold and it is not so easy to get those kinda gold ingots and gold coins from outside local sellers. We can get thos kinda gold ingots from a branded worldwide gold, silver and platinum seller. I searched in the net for this kinda seller and found a seller named which is offering better deals for each and everyone based on their needs of gold in the form ingots as well coins. If you purchase gold as ingots the chances are better for getting pure form of gold and silver also...

Honda Jazz Unveiled

Honda joined the party with the production of their new small car Honda Jazz Fit. Indian market is jazzed up with new entries of small cars. Lets see the features of the car. The new Honda Jazz is one of the most awaited small cars, which has created a lot of expectations. The Jazz is a hatchback version of the Honda City and it is expected to be launched before the New Honda City. The Jazz will be positioned between the likes of the Skoda Fabia...

Hyundai Accent Eco

Hyundai, the Japanese car manufacturer is ready to unveil the all new Hyundai Accent Eco after the success of the car Hyundai Santro Eco the dual fuel car which runs on both Gasoline and Liquefied petroleum gas. The Accent is the No.1 product in its segment and the car is very famous too. Accent Eco comes with a 1.5lt engine and a five speed manual transmission. The cars LPG kit is tested three for the leakage of gas before it is hand over to the...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Buy gold

Hi mates, I am very happy to meet you all with an interesting article about the precious metal gold. Buying gold has been recognized for centuries as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power. Gold bullion is a unique investment. The price of the gold is not stable at all and it is keep on changing from time to time. So investing our hardly earned money in gold is a ver good investment and everyone is doing that from early days. So the investment made in gold will never results in vein. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion. In all ages, man...

BMW Celebrates 75 years of Roadster Community

BMW, the Bavarian car manufacturer celebrating the 75 years after launched the first Roadster in the world. Though they are the No.1 in manufacturing the sports coupes and personal coupes they are the first car manufacturer to start the production of the Roadster. At first they starts with a 315/1 sports model that was unveiled in 1934 in Berlin motor show, and after that 328 Roadster, BMW 507, Z1, Z3 are the some of the two door open seater from...

2009 Mazda3 having Stability Control Problems

Mazda3, if you own this car with Stability control you are one of the owners to spent some time in the local Mazda workshop to change some of the control parts of the Stability control. National Highways Traffic Safety Administration says that the car is not compliance with the standards that they are following. But there is official announcement from Mazda since now, you can call the NHTSA customer service no 1-800-222-5500 to make it clear about...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Forse questo è il post più difficile da scrivere, considerato che la cultura giapponese è estremamente complessa e ricca di simbolisimo e se il tatuaggio, per così dire, è lo specchio di un popolo e delle sue tradizioni, il tatuaggio giapponese, l'Irezumi, è in assoluto, almeno a parer mio, l'esempio perfetto di quanto un tattoo possa essere carico di simbolismo fino nei suoi minimi dettagli.Noi occidentali conosciamo...

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